Presenter/Author Information

A. Zitek
S. Muhar
S. Preis
B. Bredeweg
P. Salles
S. Schmutz


qualitative reasoning, model, catchment management, water framework directive, sustainability, stakeholder, water abstraction, energy, fish, evaluation

Start Date

1-7-2008 12:00 AM


Within the NaturNet-Redime project (NNR) Qualitative Reasoning (QR) models related to a sustainable catchment management were developed, following a general modelling framework (Bredeweg et al., 2007) and using newly developed Garp3 QR (Garp3, Bredeweg et al., 2008). Two models were developed in the River Kamp (Austria) case study (Zitek, 2006; Zitek et al., 2006): (A) Implementation of sustainable actions in a river catchment (stakeholder integration, quality of sustainability plans, development of ecological integrity and human well being, probability of catastrophic events), and (B) Hydropower production (water storage and release, water abstraction) and its effect on fish.


Jul 1st, 12:00 AM

Evaluating the potential of qualitative reasoning (QR) models to contribute to a sustainable catchment management

Within the NaturNet-Redime project (NNR) Qualitative Reasoning (QR) models related to a sustainable catchment management were developed, following a general modelling framework (Bredeweg et al., 2007) and using newly developed Garp3 QR (Garp3, Bredeweg et al., 2008). Two models were developed in the River Kamp (Austria) case study (Zitek, 2006; Zitek et al., 2006): (A) Implementation of sustainable actions in a river catchment (stakeholder integration, quality of sustainability plans, development of ecological integrity and human well being, probability of catastrophic events), and (B) Hydropower production (water storage and release, water abstraction) and its effect on fish.