Presenter/Author Information

L. Matejicek
Z. Janour
L. Benes


dispersion modelling, dust emission, surface laser scanning, gis

Start Date

1-7-2008 12:00 AM


An exploration of dust dispersion over the surface of coal mines requires morecomplex modelling tools in order to estimate dust emission and dust transport. Thus, spatialdata and data originating from a numerical simulation are integrated into a GISenvironment. The Reynolds averaged Navier-Stokes equations for incompressible flowswith turbulent algebraic extensions are used for dispersion modelling of the wind flows anddust transport. In addition to spatial data management, the GIS is used for the creation of adigital terrain model originating from surface laser scanning, GPS measurements, ageodetic survey and existing data sources. This more precise mapping of the surface isrequired in order to estimate the wind flows over a temporary coal storage site and adjacentslopes. The flow patterns are displayed together with aerial images in the GIS forassessment of potential erosion fields over the stockpiles, and for an evaluation ofenvironmental impacts. Integration of modelling in the GIS is carried out for testing ofvarious environmental scenarios, including man-made barriers as well as different windflow conditions.


Jul 1st, 12:00 AM

Integration of Environmental Models Based on Fluid Mechanics in GIS

An exploration of dust dispersion over the surface of coal mines requires morecomplex modelling tools in order to estimate dust emission and dust transport. Thus, spatialdata and data originating from a numerical simulation are integrated into a GISenvironment. The Reynolds averaged Navier-Stokes equations for incompressible flowswith turbulent algebraic extensions are used for dispersion modelling of the wind flows anddust transport. In addition to spatial data management, the GIS is used for the creation of adigital terrain model originating from surface laser scanning, GPS measurements, ageodetic survey and existing data sources. This more precise mapping of the surface isrequired in order to estimate the wind flows over a temporary coal storage site and adjacentslopes. The flow patterns are displayed together with aerial images in the GIS forassessment of potential erosion fields over the stockpiles, and for an evaluation ofenvironmental impacts. Integration of modelling in the GIS is carried out for testing ofvarious environmental scenarios, including man-made barriers as well as different windflow conditions.