Presenter/Author Information

John B. Copp
Ulf Jeppsson
Peter A. Vanrolleghem


benchmark, bsm, modelling, activated sludge, anaerobic digestion

Start Date

1-7-2008 12:00 AM


Over a decade ago, the concept of a tool that could be used to objectivelyevaluate the performance of control strategies through simulation using a standard modelimplementation was introduced for activated sludge wastewater treatment plants. Thatconcept resulted in the development of the Benchmark Simulation Model No 1 (BSM1),the subsequent BSM1_LT and most recently BSM2. Debate about the need and applicationof these models has dogged the development effort since it first began with practitionerssuggesting that these models are only academically applicable, have been conceived of forpublication generation purposes and provide limited benefit to the applied modellingcommunity. The authors of this paper, as contributing members to the development, beg todiffer with those detractors. The focus of this submission is the BSM models from theperspective of a modelling toolbox, and a platform, on which modelling issues have beendebated, experimented upon, tested and developed to further the field of wastewatertreatment modelling in general.


Jul 1st, 12:00 AM

The Benchmark Simulation Models – A Valuable Collection of Modelling Tools

Over a decade ago, the concept of a tool that could be used to objectivelyevaluate the performance of control strategies through simulation using a standard modelimplementation was introduced for activated sludge wastewater treatment plants. Thatconcept resulted in the development of the Benchmark Simulation Model No 1 (BSM1),the subsequent BSM1_LT and most recently BSM2. Debate about the need and applicationof these models has dogged the development effort since it first began with practitionerssuggesting that these models are only academically applicable, have been conceived of forpublication generation purposes and provide limited benefit to the applied modellingcommunity. The authors of this paper, as contributing members to the development, beg todiffer with those detractors. The focus of this submission is the BSM models from theperspective of a modelling toolbox, and a platform, on which modelling issues have beendebated, experimented upon, tested and developed to further the field of wastewatertreatment modelling in general.