Presenter/Author Information

Miquel Sànchez-Marrè
Karina Gibert


knowledge discovery from databases, data mining, environmental applications, integrated approach

Start Date

1-7-2008 12:00 AM


GESCONDA is a tool for intelligent data analysis and implicit knowledge management of databases, with special focus on environmental databases. Differing from existing commercial systems, the more relevant aspects of this proposal are the incorporation of the statistical data filtering and pre-processing in the same software tool together with the intelligent data analysis techniques as well as the interaction of different data mining methods. Either statistical techniques or Artificial Intelligence techniques or even mixed techniques are combined and used to extract the knowledge contained within data.


Jul 1st, 12:00 AM

GESCONDA: from Environmental Data Mining to Environmental Decision Support

GESCONDA is a tool for intelligent data analysis and implicit knowledge management of databases, with special focus on environmental databases. Differing from existing commercial systems, the more relevant aspects of this proposal are the incorporation of the statistical data filtering and pre-processing in the same software tool together with the intelligent data analysis techniques as well as the interaction of different data mining methods. Either statistical techniques or Artificial Intelligence techniques or even mixed techniques are combined and used to extract the knowledge contained within data.