BYU ScholarsArchive - International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software: On the Design of Robust Emission Strategies to Stabilze the Concentration of Carbon in the Atmosphere

Presenter/Author Information

A. Kryazhimskiy
V. Maksimov
S. Korobochkina


global warming, stabilization of carbon in the atmosphere, stabilization of uncertain systems

Start Date

1-7-2004 12:00 AM


In the context of global warming, the problem of stabilization of the concentration of carbon in theatmosphere is widely discussed. Serious difficulties in the design of reliable stabilization strategies arise dueto the uncertainty of the underlying physical model. In this paper, we suggest a pattern to construct modelrobustfeedback carbon emission strategies that stabilize the atmospheric carbon concentration at a prescribetarget value irrespective of a particular admissible carbon cycle model governing the “real” dynamics. Specificqualitative features of the carbon cycle dynamics, including automatic stabilization under vanishing inputs areemployed.


Jul 1st, 12:00 AM

On the Design of Robust Emission Strategies to Stabilze the Concentration of Carbon in the Atmosphere

In the context of global warming, the problem of stabilization of the concentration of carbon in theatmosphere is widely discussed. Serious difficulties in the design of reliable stabilization strategies arise dueto the uncertainty of the underlying physical model. In this paper, we suggest a pattern to construct modelrobustfeedback carbon emission strategies that stabilize the atmospheric carbon concentration at a prescribetarget value irrespective of a particular admissible carbon cycle model governing the “real” dynamics. Specificqualitative features of the carbon cycle dynamics, including automatic stabilization under vanishing inputs areemployed.