BYU ScholarsArchive - International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software: Reducing Carbon Emissions? The Relative Effectiveness of Different Types of Environmental Tax: The Case of New Zealand

Presenter/Author Information

Frank G. Scrimgeour
Les Oxley
Koli Fatai


carbon tax, greenhouse gas emissions, cge model

Start Date

1-7-2004 12:00 AM


Although countries experiences on environmental taxation differ, discussions in New Zealandcoincide with the recent announcement by the government of a new carbon tax and a new energy tax tobe introduced before the first phase of the Kyoto protocol. This paper provides preliminary simulationresults that may help answer some policy-related questions including the relative micro- and macrolevelimpacts of energy taxes or carbon taxes and the likely impacts of the carbon taxes on thecompetitiveness of energy intensive industries.


Jul 1st, 12:00 AM

Reducing Carbon Emissions? The Relative Effectiveness of Different Types of Environmental Tax: The Case of New Zealand

Although countries experiences on environmental taxation differ, discussions in New Zealandcoincide with the recent announcement by the government of a new carbon tax and a new energy tax tobe introduced before the first phase of the Kyoto protocol. This paper provides preliminary simulationresults that may help answer some policy-related questions including the relative micro- and macrolevelimpacts of energy taxes or carbon taxes and the likely impacts of the carbon taxes on thecompetitiveness of energy intensive industries.