Great Basin Naturalist
Volume 57, Number 4 (1997)
Front Matter
Mayfly fauna of New Mexico
W. P. McCafferty, C. R. Lugo-Ortiz, and G. Z. Jacobi
Holocene vegetation and historic grazing impacts at Capitol Reef National Park reconstructed using packrat middens
Kenneth L. Cole, Norman Henderson, and David S. Shafer
Mule deer and pronghorn use of wastewater ponds in a cold desert
Karen L. Cieminski and Lester D. Flake
Observations on the reproduction, sources of mortality, and diet of the Kendall Warm Spring dace
Andrew D. Gryska and Wayne A. Hubert
Two new species of Chloroperlidae (Plecoptera) from California
R. W. Baumann and R. L. Bottorff
Homing in eastern fence lizards (Sceloporus undulatus) following short-distance translocation
Eric W. Hein and Shayna J. Whitaker
New variety of Astragalus conjuctus S. Watson from Benton County, Washington
Stanley L. Welsh, Florence Caplow, and Kathryn Beck
Coyote activity patterns in the Sierra Nevada
John A. Shivik, Michael M. Jaeger, and Reginald H. Barrett
U.S. distribution of the Coeur d'Alene salamander (Plethodon idahoensis Slater and Slipp)
Albert G. Wilson Jr., Evelyn M. Wilson, Craig R. Groves, and Richard L. Wallace
Reproduction in the western coral snake, Micruroides euryxanthus (Elapidae), from Arizona and Sonora, México
Stephen R. Goldberg
Spread of Phalaris arundinacea adversely impacts the endangered plant Howellia aquatilis
Peter Lesica
Utah reptiles occurring only in southern Utah
Wilmer W. Tanner
Book Review
End Matter
Full Issue