Great Basin Naturalist
Volume 49, Number 2 (1989)
Front Matter
Snake Creek Burial Cave and a review of the Quaternary mustelids of the Great Basin
Emilee M. Mead and Jim I. Mead
Diatom flora of Mink Creek, Idaho, USA
Christopher T. Robinson and Samuel R. Rushforth
Responses of Utah deer hunters to a checking station questionnaire
Dennis D. Austin and Lucy Jordan
Species composition, emergence, and habitat preferences of Trichoptera of the Sagehen Creek Basin, California, USA
Nancy A. Erman
Influence of substrate water content on neonate size in the prairie skink, Eumeces septentrionalis
Louis A. Somma
Review of selenium in soils, plants, and animals in Nevada
Stephen C. Poole, Verle R. Bohman, and James A. Young
Classification of the riparian vegetation of the montane and subalpine zones in western Colorado
William L. Baker
Winter habitats and foods of Blue Grouse in the Sheeprock Mountains, Utah
Peter J. Perkins, Frederick G. Lindzey, Jay A. Roberson, Gregory McDaniel, and Randy Berger
New species of Harasupia with a revised key to the species (Homoptera: Cicadellidae: Coelidiinae)
M. W. Nielson
Quadrat and sample sizes for frequency sampling mountain meadow vegetation
Jeffrey C. Mosley, Stephen C. Bunting, and M. Hironaka
Habitat use and selection and home ranges of Merriam's Wild Turkey in Oregon
R. Scott Lutz and John A. Crawford
Gerridae (water striders) of Idaho (Heteroptera)
R. C. Biggam and M. A. Brusven
Comparison of Sage and Sharp-tailed Grouse leks in south central Wyoming
James H. Klott and Frederick G. Lindzey
Notes on Hells Canyon birds
Daniel M. Taylor
End Matter
Full Issue