Family Perspectives
Volume 2, Issue 1 (2020) Family Perspectives Fall 2020
Scholar's Column
Writing to Share Light
Loren Marks
Academic Reviews
The Parent Behind the Eating Disorder: How Parenting Styles Affect Eating Disorders in Adolescents
Jessica Robertson
The Adaptations of Immigrant Chinese American Mothers' Parenting with their Reticent Young Children
Allie Sharp
Featured Insights
Me Became We
Brandi Jager
Facing the Dragon Together: Creating Secure Adult Relationships
Hailey Shoemaker
Stonewalling and Taking a Break Are Not the Same Thing
Emma Todd Carpenter
Research and Writing Spotlights
Wheatley Report: Religion in the Home
Lyndi Jenkins
- Publisher
- Alan J. Hawkins, Brigham Young University
- Editor
- Julie H. Haupt, Brigham Young University
- Designer
- Lis Malmgren
- Student Editors-in-Chief
- Matthew Saxey
- Kaylin Cash
- Student Editors
- Emma Todd Carpenter
- Tyler Clancy
- Katrina Cookson
- Liz Erickson
- Danille Gandola
- Katrina Hill
- Lizzy Wood HoChing
- Lyndi Jenkins
- Allie Sharp
- Hailey Shoemaker
- Madi Watkins
- Copy Editor
- Abby Siebers
- Special Thanks to
- Erin Holmes
- Anthony Hughes
- Chelom Leavitt
- Loren Marks
- Larry Nelson
- Laura Padilla-Walker