Submissions from 1992
The Ute Mode of War in the Conflict of 1865-1868, Albert Winkler
The Record of Alma: A Prophetic Pattern of the Principles Governing Testimony, Fred Woods
Submissions from 1991
Vigencia y Significación Sociolingüística de los Marinerismos en el Español Dominicano de Santiago, Orlando Alba
Structure and Optical Characterization of ZnxCd1-xTe Thin Films Prepared by the Close Spaced Vapor Transport Method, David D. Allred, Jesus González-Hernández, O. Zelaya, J. G. Mendoza-Alverez, E. López-Cruz, and D. A. Pawlik
Ammospermophilus leucurus, Mark C. Belk and H. Duane Smith
A Self-Organizing Binary Decision Tree for Incrementally Defined Rule-Based Systems, Douglas M. Campbell and Tony R. Martinez
A factor analysis of the dyadic adjustment scale with distressed and nondistressed couples, D. Russell Crane, Dean M. Busby, and Jeffry H. Larson
Operations Research and Organizational Decision-Making in Academic Libraries, Therrin C. Dahlin
Development and , Application of Expert Systems in Audit Services, Eric L. Denna, James V. Hansen, and Rayman D. Meservy
Case-Based Reasoning and Risk Assessment in Audit Judgment, Eric L. Denna, James V. Hansen, Rayman D. Meservy, and Larry E. Wood
Patterns of Entry into Cohabitation and Marriage Among Mainland Puerto Rican Women, Renata Forste and Nancy S. Landale
Special Interests and the 1990 Farm Bill, B. Delworth Gardner
Theory of an atomic beam splitter based on velocity-tuned resonances, Scott Glasgow, P. Meystre, M. Wilkens, and E. M. Wright
Socrates, the Craft Analogy, and Science, Daniel Graham
The effect of a tilted magnetic field on the equilibrium of a pure electron plasma, Grant W. Hart
Are Fathers Fungible? Patterns of Coresident Adult Men in Maritally Disrupted Families and Young Children's Well-Being, Alan J. Hawkins and David J. Eggebeen
Algorithm for Smoothing Triangulated Surfaces, Norman L. Jones and Stephen G. Wright
The Linkage between Theory and Research in Family Science, Yoav Lavee and David C. Dollahite
Identifiability in wind estimation from scatterometer measurements, David G. Long and Jerry M. Mendel
Spaceborne radar measurement of wind velocity over the ocean-an overview of the NSCAT scatterometer system, David G. Long, F. M. Naderi, and Michael H. Freilich
A median-filter-based ambiguity removal algorithm for NSCAT, David G. Long, Scott J. Shaffer, R. Scott Dunbar, and S. Vincent Hsiao
Review: Theophoric Personal Names in Ancient Hebrew: A Comparative Study, Dana M. Pike
The Gospel of Jesus Christ as Taught by the Nephite Prophets, Noel B. Reynolds
Religious Devoutness in College Students: Relations With Emotional Support Adjustment and Psychological Separation From Parents, P. Scott Richards