"Investigation of Nitrogen Release during Coal Pyrolysis in an Oxy-fuel" by John M. Sowa, Kolbein K. Kolste et al.


Coal, Pyrolysis, Oxy-fuel, Nitrogen, Pyrolysis


Three coals were studied in a flat flame burner (FFB) to determine nitrogen release during pyrolysis as a function of the temperature from 1600 to 1900 K in an oxy-fuel environment. The oxy-fuel environment was created by replacing the background N2 with CO2 in the FFB experiments. Both types of experiments were conducted under fuel-rich conditions, with no O2 present in the postflame gases. The oxy-fuel results were compared to previous results from FFB experiments in a N2 atmosphere. A bituminous coal showed no difference in mass and nitrogen release between the two environments. The sub-bituminous coal exhibited higher mass and nitrogen release in the oxy-fuel (enhanced CO2) environment. The higher mass and nitrogen release in the oxy-fuel condition implies that another reaction is occurring with the subbituminous coal for these conditions, which is likely CO2-char gasification.

Original Publication Citation

Sowa, J. M., K. K. Kolste, and T. H. Fletcher, “Investigation of Nitrogen Release during Coal Pyrolysis in an Oxy-fuel Combustion Process,” Energy & Fuels, 24, 6411-6416 (2010).

Document Type

Peer-Reviewed Article

Publication Date



American Chemical Society




Ira A. Fulton College of Engineering


Chemical Engineering

University Standing at Time of Publication

Full Professor
