atmospheric measuring apparatus, atmospheric techniques, meteorological instruments, meteorological radar, remote sensing by radar, spaceborne radar, wind
SeaWinds is a spaceborne wind scatterometer to be flown on the second Japanese Advanced Earth Observing Satellite (ADEOS-II) in 1999. An important international element of NASA's Earth Observing System (EOS), SeaWinds is an advanced follow-on to the NASA scatterometer (NSCAT) on the first ADEOS platform. Unlike previous operational spaceborne scatterometer systems. SeaWinds employs a scanning "pencil-beam" antenna rather than a "fan-beam" antenna, making the instrument more compact and yielding greater ocean coverage. The goals of this paper are twofold. First, the overall SeaWinds functional design and backscatter measurement approach are described, and the relative advantages of the pencil-beam technique are outlined. Second, the unique aspects of measurement accuracy optimization and signal processing for the SeaWinds instrument are discussed. Applying the results of a separate companion paper, ibid., 1997, a technique to significantly improve measurement accuracy by modulating the transmit pulse is described. Trade-offs to optimize the transmit modulation bandwidth are presented.
Original Publication Citation
Spencer, M. W., Chialin Wu, and D. G. Long. "Tradeoffs in the Design of a Spaceborne Scanning Pencil Beam Scatterometer: Application to SeaWinds." Geoscience and Remote Sensing, IEEE Transactions on 35.1 (1997): 115-26
BYU ScholarsArchive Citation
Long, David G.; Wu, Chialin T.; and Spencer, Michael W., "Tradeoffs in the design of a spaceborne scanning pencil beam scatterometer: Application to SeaWinds" (1997). Faculty Publications. 674.
Document Type
Peer-Reviewed Article
Publication Date
Permanent URL
Ira A. Fulton College of Engineering and Technology
Electrical and Computer Engineering
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© 1997 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or to reuse any copyrighted component of this work in other works must be obtained from the IEEE.
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