backscatter, oceanographic regions, oceanographic techniques, radar cross-sections, remote sensing by radar, sea ice, water, spaceborne radar, synthetic aperture radar
In a continuing evaluation of the ERS-1 C-band scatterometer as a tool for studying polar sea ice, the authors evaluate the azimuthal modulation characteristics of Antarctic sea ice. ERS-1 AMI scatterometer mode data sets from several study regions dispersed in the Antarctic seasonal sea ice pack are evaluated for azimuthal modulation. When appropriate, the incidence angle dependence is estimated and removed in a study region before determining whether azimuthal modulation is present in the data. Other comparisons are made using the fore and aft beam measurement difference. The results show that over the ice pack, azimuthal modulation is less than 1 dB at the scale of observation of the ERS-1 C-band scatterometer.
Original Publication Citation
Early, D. S., and D. G. Long. "Azimuthal Modulation of C-Band Scatterometer σ Over Southern Ocean Sea Ice." Geoscience and Remote Sensing, IEEE Transactions on 35.5 (1997): 121-9
BYU ScholarsArchive Citation
Long, David G. and Early, David S., "Azimuthal Modulation of C-Band Scatterometer Over Southern Ocean Sea Ice" (1997). Faculty Publications. 662.
Document Type
Peer-Reviewed Article
Publication Date
Permanent URL
Ira A. Fulton College of Engineering and Technology
Electrical and Computer Engineering
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© 1997 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or to reuse any copyrighted component of this work in other works must be obtained from the IEEE.
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