Fremont Architectural Variability at Wolf Village (42UT273), a Fremont Site in Utah Valley


archaeological field school, wolf village, Utah valley


The Brigham Young University archaeological field school has spent five field seasons excavating at Wolf Village (42UT273), a large Fremont site in Utah Valley. Wolf Village is a blend of typical Fremont architectural traits and unique or rare characteristics. This blending is exemplified in the two adobe surface structures, which are the only well-documented adobe structures in Utah Valley; the residential pit structures, which include features such as multiple ventilation entrances and are abnormally large; and the 80.5 m² pit structure, which is the largest Fremont structure found to date and was likely used for communal activities. Despite the differences in construction, radiocarbon dating suggests that all these structures date to a relatively short time period in the A.D. 1000s. Exploring architectural traits and variation at Wolf Village and other Fremont sites gives new insights into community and interaction within the Fremont world.

Original Publication Citation

Lindsay D. Johansson, Katie K. Richards, and James R. Allison 2014 Fremont Architectural Variability at Wolf Village (42UT273), a Fremont Site in Utah Valley. Utah Archaeology 27(1):33-55.

Document Type

Peer-Reviewed Article

Publication Date



Utah Archaeology




Family, Home, and Social Sciences



University Standing at Time of Publication

Associate Professor
