"“This uncertain space of teaching”: How design studio instructors depi" by Jason K. McDonald and Esther Michela

“This uncertain space of teaching”: How design studio instructors depict design critiques along with themselves when giving critiques


design critique, design studio, case study research, philosophy of design


In this study we explored how design studio instructors depicted the design critique,themselves as people offering critiques, and what can be learned from their depictions about improving instructors ’ abilities to offer critiques. To investigate these issues, we conducted a case study of studio instructors from design programs at a university in the United States. Our data consisted of three semi-structured interviews and one class observation each with six instructors from different programs, organized i nto a thematic structure that revealed insights into participants’ self-interpretations. We found that our participants depicted critiques as being a complex challenge, often placing competing demands upon them that they were required to reconcile. They depicted themselves as meeting these challenges through their cultivation of four dispositions that helped them balancetensions they experienced. We report these challenges and dispositions using our participants own words as much as possible. We also discuss implications of these findings for helpi ng studio instructors improve their ability to offer critiques; assistance should take into account the inescapableneed instructors will face to balance challenges that arise during critiques and should also hel p them cultivate affective dispositions that will help them successfully respond to critique situations.

Original Publication Citation

McDonald, J. K., & Michela, E. (2022). “This uncertain space of teaching”: How design studio instructors depict design critiques along with themselves when giving critiques. Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 22(1), 48-66. https://doi.org/10.14434/josotl.v22i1.30888

Document Type

Peer-Reviewed Article

Publication Date


Permanent URL



Indiana University




David O. McKay School of Education


Instructional Psychology and Technology

University Standing at Time of Publication

Associate Professor
