The New (and Old) News about Cheating for Distance Educators


cheating, distance educators, academic dishonesty


Those in distance education are faced with a formidable challenge to ensure the identity of test takers and integrity of exam results, especially since students are physically removed from the classroom and distributed across the globe. This news digest will provide distance educators not only with a better understanding and awareness of issues surrounding cheating but also suggest solutions that might be adopted to help mitigate cheating in their programs. While technologies, including “braindump” Web sites and cell phones, are associated with the more common cheating behaviors today, the problem of cheating will always beleaguer distance educators; it is their responsibility to stay current on latest developments in the field of academic dishonesty, employ fitting interventions to mitigate cheating, and do everything possible to preserve the integrity of distance education.

Original Publication Citation

Howell, S., Sorensen, D., and Tippetts, H. (Fall, 2009; November 15, 2009; June 2010). The new (and old) news on cheating for distance educators. Online Journal of Distance Learning Administration, 12(3).Retrieved from [Abstractedwith authors’ permission on November 15, 2009 as, “The new news about cheating for distance educators,” Distance Educator,13(22), pp. 3–4, 6 and on June, 2010as “Take steps to stem the epidemicof cheating on exams” in Nontraditional Students Report,12(9), pp. 1, 4–5, published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc.]

Document Type

Peer-Reviewed Article

Publication Date


Permanent URL


Online Journal of Distance Learning Administration




David O. McKay School of Education


Instructional Psychology and Technology

University Standing at Time of Publication

Assistant Professor
