"Evaluation Criteria for Modified Base Test Method for Open-Web Steel J" by International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials Uniform Evaluation Services and Taylor Sorensen

Evaluation Criteria for Modified Base Test Method for Open-Web Steel Joists Supporting a Standing Seam Roof System EC031-2017


open-web steel joists, standing seam roof system, base test methods


This Evaluation Criteria establishes a test method that provides the requirements for quantifying the lateral bracing provided to open-web steel joists from standing seam roof systems to be recognized in an evaluation report independently reviewed by an evaluation service agency under the 2015 and 2012 International Billing Code® (IBC). Basis of recognition is IBC Section 104.11.

Due to the variability in configuration and construction of standing seam roof systems and their attachments, it is not practical to develop a generic method to predict the interaction of a particular standing seam roof system and supporting structure. Therefore, the amount of lateral bracing that the supporting steel joists received from a standing seam roof panel may vary from the fully braced condition to the unbraced condition for a given system.

The test method, herein referred to as the "Modified Base Test Method", is based on the AISI S908-13 "Base Test Method for Purlins Supporting a Standing Seam Roof System". This procedure utilizes the results obtained from assembly tests to predict the lateral bracing to the underlying steel joists provided by multi-span standing seam conditions.

Original Publication Citation

IAPMO EC031-2017. (2017). “Modified Base Test Method for Open-Web Steel Joists Supporting a Standing Seam Roof System.” International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials. Ontario, CA

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International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials Uniform Evaluation Services




Ira A. Fulton College of Engineering


Civil and Environmental Engineering

University Standing at Time of Publication

Assistant Professor
