"Informing engineering design through adaptive comparative judgment" by Greg J. Strimel, Scott R. Bartholomew et al.

Informing engineering design through adaptive comparative judgment


first year curriculum, engineering design, design projects, formative assessment, adaptive comparative judgment


Considering the challenges associated with the teaching of engineering design, and recognising potential differences in design values of individuals from various backgrounds, this study investigated the utility of adaptive comparative judgment (ACJ) as a method for informing the teaching and practice of engineering design. The authors investigated a series of research questions to examine the use of ACJ as a formative method for influencing an engineering student’s design decision-making as well as identifying/comparing design values of different engineering education stakeholders. The study results indicate that the ACJ process enabled students to gain insights for enhancing their designs through the critique of peer-work and the receipt of feedback on their own projects. Also, the results revealed similarities/differences between the ways instructors, students, and practicing engineers judged design projects. In light of these findings, it appears ACJ can be a valuable formative assessment tool for informing the practice/processes of education related to engineering design.

Original Publication Citation

Strimel, G. J., Bartholomew, S. R., Purzer, S., Zhang, L., & Yoshikawa, E. (2020). Informing engineering design through adaptive comparative judgment. European Journal of Engineering Education.

Document Type

Peer-Reviewed Article

Publication Date


Permanent URL



European Journal of Engineering Education




Ira A. Fulton College of Engineering



University Standing at Time of Publication

Assistant Professor
