SMART buoys: integrating data visualization and design to reduce ocean-life casualties


oceans, marine life, buoy, human impact on oceans


In recent years, the impact humans have had on the world, and specifically the world’s oceans and marine life, have surfaced as one of the most continuously discussed topics in news feeds and other media outlets (Elliott, 2018). Specifically, current research and well-known stories have detailed the disastrous effects—direct and indirect—humans have had on the oceans (Ocean Priorities, 2009; Weiss & McFarling, 2006; Yong, 2019). The impact of human activity on marine life through unsustainable actions, recreational activities, pollution, and consumption patterns continues to lead to calls for attention and action of individuals worldwide. Many organizations, researchers, and individuals have sought to raise awareness of the importance of ocean conservation and sustainable actions in the hopes of counteracting the impacts of human-environment interactions by shaping how humans view, use, and manage the ocean environments (United Nations, 2019; United Nations Department of Economic & Social Affairs, 2014).

Original Publication Citation

Santana, V., Bartholomew, S. R., Rowe, W., Byrd, V. L., Strimel, G. J., & Han, K. (2020). Teaching Technology & Engineering Concepts Through Socially Relevant Contexts; SMART Buoys: Integrating Data Visualization and Design to Reduce Ocean Life Casualties. Technology & Engineering Teacher, 79(8), 19-23.

Document Type

Peer-Reviewed Article

Publication Date


Permanent URL


Technology & Engineering Teacher




Ira A. Fulton College of Engineering



University Standing at Time of Publication

Assistant Professor
