
automated tracking, manufacturing process, cloth, mechanics


This report is a summary of research conducted on cloth tracking for automated textile manufacturing during a two semester long research course at Georgia Tech. This work was completed in 2009. Advances in current sensing technology such as the Microsoft Kinect would now allow me to relax certain assumptions and generally improve the tracking performance. This is because a major part of my approach described in this paper was to track features in a 2D image and use these to estimate the cloth deformation. Innovations such as the Kinect would improve estimation due to the automatic depth information obtained when tracking 2D pixel locations. Additionally, higher resolution camera images would probably give better quality feature tracking. However, although I would use different technology now to implement this tracker, the algorithm described and implemented in this paper is still a viable approach which is why I am publishing this as a tech report for reference. In addition, although the related work is a bit exhaustive, it will be useful to a reader who is new to methods for tracking and estimation as well as modeling of cloth.

Document Type

Peer-Reviewed Article

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Ira A. Fulton College of Engineering and Technology


Mechanical Engineering

University Standing at Time of Publication

Assistant Professor
