"Begin Again" by Holt Zaugg


assessment planning, evaluation planning, repeated assessments, planning guide


One of the hallmarks of any assessment or evaluation is that it serves as an agent for improved change. However, not all changes are positive. In some cases, improvements in one area of library service delivery have negative effects in other areas of service delivery. In addition to this, no assessment is ever perfectly planned nor conducted. Each of these factors contributes to the need for library assessments to be periodically repeated. This chapter begins with a description of an assessment planning guide and journal to chronicle how the assessment was planned and unfolded. From here it discusses factors of repeating assessment in terms of planning, conducting, and reporting repeat assessments. The chapter will focus on two repeat assessments as examples. One discusses the reshelving of checked-out books to determine if changed procedures following an employee change resulted in improved service delivery. The other discusses the examination of open-ended comments from several administrations of the LibQUAL+ survey. The chapter concludes with establishment of a reassessment schedule for library assessments.

Original Publication Citation

Zaugg, H. (2018). Begin again, in Britto, M. & In Kinsley, K (ed.), Academic Libraries and the Academy: Strategies and Approaches to Demonstrate Your Value, Impact, and Return on Investment, Chicago:ACRL.

Document Type

Book Chapter

Publication Date


Permanent URL







Harold B. Lee Library

University Standing at Time of Publication

