"Quenching of highly vibrationally excited pyrimidine by collisions wit" by Jeremy A. Johnson, Andrew M. Duffin et al.


pyramidine, CO4, relaxation, quenching, diode laser transient absorption spectroscopy


Relaxation of highly vibrationally excited pyrimidine (C4N2H4) by collisions with carbon dioxide has been investigated using diode laser transient absorption spectroscopy. Vibrationally hot pyrimidine (E'=40,635 cm^-1) was prepared by 248-nm excimer laser excitation, followed by rapid radiationless relaxation to the ground electronic state. The nascent rotational population distribution (J=58–80) of the 0000 ground state of CO2 resulting from collisions with hot pyrimidine was probed at short times following the excimer laser pulse. Doppler spectroscopy was used to measure the CO2 recoil velocity distribution for J=58–80 of the 0000 state. Rate constants and probabilities for collisions populating these CO2 rotational states were determined. The measured energy transfer probabilities, indexed by final bath state, were resorted as a function of ∆E to create the energy transfer distribution function, P(E,E'), from E'–E ~ 1300–7000 cm^-1. P(E,E') is fitted to a single exponential and a biexponential function to determine the average energy transferred in a single collision between pyrimidine and CO2 and parameters that can be compared to previously studied systems using this technique, pyrazine/CO2, C6F6/CO2, and methylpyrazine/CO2. P(E,E') parameters for these four systems are also compared to various molecular properties of the donor molecules. Finally, P(E,E') is analyzed in the context of two models, one which suggests that the shape of P(E,E') is primarily determined by the low-frequency out-of-plane donor vibrational modes and one which suggests that the shape of P(E,E') can be determined by how the donor molecule final density of states changes with ∆E.

Original Publication Citation

Johnson, Jeremy A., Andrew M. Duffin, Brian J. Hom, Karl E. Jackson, and Eric T. Sevy."Quenching of highly vibrationally excited pyrimidine by collisions with CO[sub 2]." The Journal of Chemical Physics 128 (28).

Document Type

Peer-Reviewed Article

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Physical and Mathematical Sciences


Chemistry and Biochemistry
