"Participatory Prototyping: Improving Faculty Participation in Technolo" by Jason K. McDonald


instructional design, instructional technology, design methods, rapid prototyping, media development, faculty development, design research


This paper reports the results of a trial to help university faculty members better participate in the devel- opment of technology-mediated instruction, as well as to develop methods for faculty to create their own media that maintains an acceptable level of instructional quality. Using low-cost technology development tools and software templates, faculty members produced a technology-mediated lesson for a university statistics course. While the quality of their attempt was not acceptable to help facilitate student learning, this trial ultimately acted as a prototype of different instructional strategies for the course, which later were produced using higher-quality media. We called this the “participatory prototyping” approach, and find value in this approach both to include faculty members in important decisions during an instructional development process, as well as to help them remain enthusiastic about technology-mediated instruction while they are participating in its development.

Original Publication Citation

McDonald, J. K. (2006). Participatory prototyping: Improving faculty participation in technology-mediated instruction. In A. Méndez-Vilas, A. Solano Martín, J.A. Mesa González and J. Mesa González (Eds.), Current Developments in Technology-Assisted Education (vol III, pp. 1898-1902). FORMATEX, Badajoz, Spain.

Document Type

Conference Paper

Publication Date


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David O. McKay School of Education


Instructional Psychology and Technology

University Standing at Time of Publication

Graduate Student
