"Cultivating the Skill of Savoring: An Internet-Delivered Intervention " by So Yeon Park


The skill of savoring is one practice from the positive psychology literature that appears to facilitate well-being and happiness (e.g., Cazanescu, Tecuta, Candea, & Szentagotal-Tartar, 2018). Given such findings and the emerging evidence in favor of delivering positive psychology interventions via the Internet (Layous, Nelson, & Lyubomirsky, 2013), the potential feasibility of providing researched-based savoring instruction using self-directed online resources warrants empirical examination. This pilot study examined the feasibility of a self-directed online module of instruction and exercises intended to aid in cultivating individuals’ savoring abilities. The two primary aims of the present study were: 1) to examine the feasibility and preliminary outcomes of delivering an online 21-day savoring intervention through the website www.mybestself101.org (Savoring Module), and 2) to collect descriptive/qualitative feedback on the module content for further improvement of these resources. A supplemental aim was to establish convergent validity of the newly developed Savoring Questionnaire with an existing measure of savoring beliefs. Results indicated that participants completing the 21-day self-directed content and exercises in the Savoring Module reported positive and significant changes in savoring skills and subjective well-being. However, only 22% of consenting participants completed the 21-day sequence of content and exercises on their own. The majority of participants who completed the study found both the informational content and the strategies of the module to be "very helpful" or "extremely helpful." Overall, findings indicate that a self-directed savoring intervention delivered via the Internet can produce an increase in savoring skills and subjective well-being.



College and Department

Family, Home, and Social Sciences; Psychology



Date Submitted


Document Type





savoring, internet intervention, well-being, positive psychology intervention


