"Mirror Symmetry for K3 Surfaces with Non-symplectic Automorphism" by Christopher James Bott


Mirror symmetry is the phenomenon, originally discovered by physicists, that Calabi-Yau manifolds come in dual pairs, with each member of the pair producing the same physics. Mathematicians studying enumerative geometry became interested in mirror symmetry around 1990, and since then, mirror symmetry has become a major research topic in pure mathematics. One important problem in mirror symmetry is that there may be several ways to construct a mirror dual for a Calabi-Yau manifold. Hence it is a natural question to ask: when two different mirror symmetry constructions apply, do they agree?We specifically consider two mirror symmetry constructions for K3 surfaces known as BHK and LPK3 mirror symmetry. BHK mirror symmetry was inspired by the LandauGinzburg/Calabi-Yau correspondence, while LPK3 mirror symmetry is more classical. In particular, for algebraic K3 surfaces with a purely non-symplectic automorphism of order n, we ask if these two constructions agree. Results of Artebani Boissi`ere-Sarti originally showed that they agree when n = 2, and more recently Comparin-Lyon-Priddis-Suggs showed that they agree when n is prime. However, the n being composite case required more sophisticated methods. Whenever n is not divisible by four (or n = 16), this problem was solved by Comparin and Priddis by studying the associated lattice theory more carefully. In this thesis, we complete the remaining case of the problem when n is divisible by four by finding new isomorphisms and deformations of the K3 surfaces in question, develop new computational methods, and use these results to complete the investigation, thereby showing that the BHK and LPK3 mirror symmetry constructions also agree when n is composite.



College and Department

Physical and Mathematical Sciences; Mathematics



Date Submitted


Document Type





Mirror Symmetry, Algebraic Geometry, Mathematical Physics, String Theory


