"Promoting Second Language Learning Through Oral Asynchronous Computer-" by Eric H. Young


Learning to speak a foreign language (L2) can be a challenging feat, made all the more challenging when done in only 50 minute, daily increments in class. Oral asynchronous computer-mediated communication (ACMC) provides learners with opportunities to practice spoken communication and evaluate their practice outside the classroom. In this dissertation, I explore methods for classroom integration of oral ACMC, linguistic traits developed in previous oral ACMC studies, methods for determining the effectiveness of oral ACMC, learner beliefs about the effectiveness of oral ACMC activities, and the effects of learners' deliberate practice in a series of oral ACMC activities on 3 measures of L2 fluency. In my first article, a literature review, I found that most studies on this topic focus on the linguistic traits of accuracy, fluency, and pronunciation, and determine L2 growth from oral ACMC activities through learner perceptions of L2 growth not relying on objective measures. In my second article, I analyzed the fluency change of learners who participated in a series of video recording and feedback activities. I found that, although there were few significant results, the activities may be of some benefit to learners in improving their spoken fluency. I also found that structural equational modelling may be of more value for researching classroom-based activities than t tests and regression models. In my third article, I investigated the experiences of several learners who participated in the video recording activities described in article two. Based on these learner experiences, I provided key considerations for designing asynchronous video recording assignments. The three articles included in this dissertation will be valuable in highlighting key factors related to the design, development, research, and effective use of oral ACMC activities in foreign language classrooms.



College and Department

David O. McKay School of Education; Instructional Psychology and Technology



Date Submitted


Document Type





asynchronous computer-mediated communication, language learning, video, critical incident technique



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