Over the past couple of decades Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) have become increasingly useful in a variety of domains. This is due to their low cost and flexibility compared to custom ASICs. This increasing interest in FPGAs has driven the need for tools that both qualify and improve the reliability of FPGAs for applications where the reconfigurability of FPGAs makes them vulnerable to radiation upsets such as in aerospace environments. Such tools ideally work with a wide variety of devices, are highly programmable but simple to use, and perform tasks at relatively high speeds. Of the various FPGA configuration interfaces available, the Joint Test Action Group (JTAG) standard for serial communication is the most universally compatible interface due to its use for verifying integrated circuits and testing printed circuit board connectivity. This universality makes it a good interface for tools seeking to access FPGA configuration memory. This thesis introduces a new tool architecture for high-speed, programmable JTAG access to FPGA configuration memory. This tool, called the JTAG Configuration Manager (JCM), is made up of a large C++ software library that runs on an embedded micro-processor coupled with a hardware JTAG controller module implemented in programmable logic. The JCM software library allows for the development of custom JTAG communication of any kind, although this thesis focuses on applications related to FPGA reliability. The JCM hardware controller module allows these software-generated JTAG sequences to be streamed out at very high speeds. Together the software and hardware provide the high-speed and programmability that is important for many JTAG applications.
College and Department
Ira A. Fulton College of Engineering and Technology; Electrical and Computer Engineering
BYU ScholarsArchive Citation
Gruwell, Ammon Bradley, "High-Speed Programmable FPGA Configuration Memory Access Using JTAG" (2017). Theses and Dissertations. 6321.
Date Submitted
Document Type
FPGA, JTAG, scrubbing, fault injection, radiation testing, laser testing, C++, Python, BYU, configuration, readback, reliability, SEU, Xilinx, bitstream, upset mitigation, hardware, software, high speed, configuration memory, CRAM, SRAM, Joint Test Action Group, ionizing radiation, space, aerospace, interface, serial, ARM processor, architecture, programmable logic, MicroZed, Zynq, Linux