Title (Spanish)

Determinación del nivel nutricional de minerales Ca y P en llamas (Lama glama) en dos épocas en el centro experimental agropecuario Condoriri


The concentrations of calcium and phosphorus were determined in 12 llamas from the Condoriri Agricultural Experiment Center (Oruro Technical University) of Oruro, Bolivia during two seasons (wet and dry) and at three ages (newborn, juvenile, and adult). Samples of flesh were taken from the arm, leg, back, rib, and neck. Pasture samples (grassland and prairie) were used to determine the rate of biting of each animal studied. The blood samples were taken by extracting blood from a jugular vein. The minerals (Ca and P) in the flesh are highest in the wet season, 113.78 mg/100 g. The newborns were found to have the highest concentrations of minerals during the wet and dry season, 113.78 and 93.98 mg/100 g. The mineral concentrations of calcium and phosphorus for the newborns and adults were 120.58 and 144.5 mg/100 g. The lower concentration of juveniles had 7.52 mg/100 g of calcium in the meat and reported a 9.59 mg/100 g concentration during the wet season and 6.78 mg/100 g for the dry season. The juveniles and adults recorded higher concentrations of calcium with 9.2 and 8.78 mg/100 g with the newborns having a lower value of 6.58 mg/100 g. The phosphorus in the flesh was reported to be 9.59 mg/100 g for the wet season and 6.78 mg/100 g for the dry season. The concentration of the calcium and phosphorus in the grazed pasture during the wet and dry seasons was 0.56 and 0.12 % respectively. The females recorded higher concentrations of calcium and phosphorus with 0.38% while the males recorded only a 0.30% concentration. The calcium content is higher in the pasture (0.55%) than the phosphorus (0.13%). In the wet season the biomass contains 0.91% calcium and 0.22% phosphorus. During the dry season the high calcium content was 0.19% and for phosphorus it was 0.04%. The calcium and phosphorus exist in smaller quantities in the blood during the wet season (7.25 mg/dl) and greater quantities during the dry season (9.88 mg/dl). Juvenile females have a higher quantity of calcium (10.15 mg/dl) while newborns and adults have a lower quantity (9.52 and 7.2 mg/dl).

Abstract (Spanish)

Las concentraciones de minerales calcio y fósforo fueron determinados de 12 llamas del Centro Experimental Agropecuario Condoriri (Universidad Técnica de Oruro) de Oruro, Bolivia, en dos épocas (húmedo y seco), tres edades (cría, juvenil y Adulto). Se tomaron muestras de carne de regiones (brazo, pierna, lomo, costillar y cuello), las muestras de pradera (pastizal y pastura) por simulación de acuerdo a la tasa de mordiscos de cada animal estudiado y las muestras de sangre fueron tomadas por venipunción yugular. Los minerales (Ca y P) en la carne es mayor en la época húmeda 113.78 mg/100 g por otro lado las crías reportaron mayor cantidad de minerales en la época húmeda y seca con 113.78 y 93.98 mg/100 g la concentración de minerales calcio y fósforo para las crías y adultos fueron de 120.58 y 144.55 mg/100 g para la época húmeda y de 6.78 gm/100 g para la época seca, mientras los jóvenes y adultos reportaron mayor concentración de calcio con 9.2 y 8.78 mg/100 g y menor en las crías con 6.58 mg/100 g El fósforo en la carne reporto 9.59 mg/100 g para la época húmeda y de 6.78 mg/100 g para la época seca. La concentración de los minerales calcio y fósforo en la pradera pastoreado para la época húmeda y seca es de 0.56 y 0.12 % respectivamente. Las hembras reportaron contenidos mayores de calcio y fósforo con 0.38% y menor en los machos con 0.30%. Mientras el calcio es mayor en la pradera con 0.55% que el fósforo con 0.13%. En la época húmeda la biomasa contiene 0.91% de calcio y 0.22% de fósforo para la época seca, el calcio también reporto mayor cantidad con 0.19% y de 0.04% de fósforo. El calcio y el fósforo en la sangre para la época húmeda existen en menores cantidades de 7.25 mg/dl y mayor en la época seca 9.88 mg/dl, tendiendo mayor cantidad de calcio en los jóvenes hembras (ancutas) 10.15 mg/dl y en menor cantidad en las crías como adultos 9.52 y 7.2 mg/dl.



College and Department

Ira A. Fulton College of Engineering and Technology; Civil and Environmental Engineering



Date Submitted


Document Type




First Advisor

Dr. Todd Robinson

Second Advisor

Elizabet García

Third Advisor

Gustavo Troche

Fourth Advisor

Vladimir Saavedra


Llamas, nutrition, calcium in animal nutrition, phosphorus in animal nutrition, Bolivia



Additional Information

Thesis (Ing. Agrónomo)--Universidad Técnica de Oruro. Facultad de Ciencias Agrícolas, Pecuarias y Veterinarias. Benson Agriculture and Food Institute, 2004


Oruro (Bolivia)
