"Fathers' Religious and Family involvement At Home; and Work and Family" by Roxane O. Whyte


This study proposes and confirms two new predictors of work and family outcomes, thus far unexplored in existing work-family literature: fathers' religious involvement at home and fathers' family involvement at home. It is the first study to date to document that these produce a crossover effect to positively influence work-related outcomes including work-family conflict, work-family fit and job satisfaction.
Data come from employed married fathers and their spouses participating in the 2001 BYU Marriott School of Management Alumni Work and Family Survey (n = 210), all members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS). Findings are that fathers who were more religiously involved at home and their spouses reported greater marital satisfaction than fathers and their spouses who were less involved. Fathers who were highly involved with their families at home reported less work-family conflict, greater work-family fit, and greater marital satisfaction and spouse's marital satisfaction, than fathers who were less involved. Interactions showed that when fathers exhibit the combination of high religious and high family involvement, the religious involvement acts as a catalyst to generate greater levels of marital satisfaction and spouse's marital satisfaction. Finally, the study revealed a significantly positive relationship exists between marital satisfaction and job satisfaction.
Results suggest that the father who engages in both high religious involvement and high family involvement at home may receive the benefits, or from a religious perspective, the "blessings," of enhanced marital satisfaction, and therefore, job satisfaction as a result of his fulfillment of sacred obligation to God. And, implications of the study suggest employing organizations may garner immense savings in terms of turnover costs due to the increase in job satisfaction among its employed fathers. Thus, data such as these suggest that flexible work arrangements, which may facilitate greater investment by the father in religious and family involvement at home, may create a dynamic system enabling enhanced family processes and, therefore, the strengthening of families, society and the economy.



College and Department

Family, Home, and Social Sciences; Family Life



Date Submitted


Document Type





Fathers, Religious life


