
Some have suggested acute increases in musculotendinous stiffness (k) following whole body vibration (WBV). Others propose that chronic ankle instability (CAI) may alter k of the lower extremity. Changes in proprioceptive activity and/or gamma motoneuron activation post-WBV and/or due to CAI could lead to alterations in k. However, little is known about acute effects of WBV on k and less is known about changes in k with CAI. PURPOSE: Assess differences in vertical and joint k between healthy and CAI subjects during single-limb landings and detect alterations in k measures post-vibration. METHODS: Subjects were identified as CAI via the FAAM, MAII and special testing. Thirty-five CAI subjects (17 males, 18 females; age = 22 ± 7 yr; height = 1.73 ± 0.23 m; mass = 70 ± 30 kg) and 35 matched healthy subjects (17 males, 18 females; age = 23 ± 5 yr; height = 1.73 ± 0.21 m; mass = 70 ± 35 kg) qualified for this study. Kinetic (2000 Hz) and kinematic (250 Hz) data were recorded during several jump landings pre- and post-WBV. Five repetitions of WBV, at 26 Hz and 4 mm amplitude, were introduced between pre- and post-WBV jump trials. The jump task included a double-limb jump followed by a single-limb landing and a subsequent contralateral hop. Vertical k (∆vertical GRF/center of mass vertical displacement), hip, knee and ankle joint k (∆joint moment/∆joint angle) were calculated, averaged across five successful pre-WBV and across six post-WBV trials. An ANOVA was used to detect between-group differences, while an ANCOVA was used to analyze within-group differences post-WBV using pre-measures as covariates. A pseudo-Bonferroni adjustment was performed prior to statistical analysis (p < 0.01). RESULTS: No between-group differences were observed for any of the variables (F1,68 = 0.020 to 1.400, p = 0.240 to 0.890). A significant increase in vertical k was observed post-WBV for the healthy group (t67 = 2.760, p = 0.008), but not for the CAI group (t67 = 0.370, p = 0.720). The CAI group did demonstrate a decrease in ankle (t67 = -3.130, p = 0.003) and knee (t67 = -3.490, p = 0.001) joint k post-vibration. No other within-group differences were observed post-WBV (p > 0.01). CONCLUSIONS: It appears that WBV does acutely increase vertical k in healthy subjects. However, this treatment effect was not observed in CAI. Further research is needed to assess how k is regulated in CAI subjects and why CAI subjects responded differently to WBV.



College and Department

Life Sciences; Exercise Sciences



Date Submitted


Document Type





ankle, instability, stiffness, vibration


