"Median Crossover Crashes in the Vicinity of Interchanges on Utah Inter" by Katherine Elaine Winters


While not accounting for a significant proportion of overall crashes, median crossover crashes in the state of Utah do account for a significant proportion of interstate fatalities. Due to the seriousness of median crossover crashes in the state of Utah, the need exists to evaluate the impact of median crossover crashes in the state, to identify locations where median crossover crashes may be occurring at particularly high rates, and to identify methods to help mitigate these crashes. Previous research has noted that median crossover crash rates appear to increase in the vicinity of interchanges. The purpose of this research, therefore, is to develop a strategy to mitigate median crossover crashes statewide and determine the role that the interchanges play in contributing to median crossover crashes. Fourteen years of crash data spanning the years 1992 through 2005 on Interstates 15, 70, 80, 84, and 215 were used to determine overall characteristics of median crossover crashes in Utah and determine the relationship between median crossover crashes and other types of crashes. Using a chi-square goodness of fit test, the distributions of median crossover crashes and all types of interstate crashes in the vicinity of interchanges were compared. Three-year median crossover crash rates spanning the years 2003 through 2005 for rural and urban areas were then used to identify which sections of Utah interstates are most prone to median crossover crashes. Finally, recommendations were made concerning appropriate median barrier installation for the 37 critical sections as identified by the three-year analysis.



College and Department

Ira A. Fulton College of Engineering and Technology; Civil and Environmental Engineering



Date Submitted


Document Type





interchange, median crossover crashes, transportation, median barrier, crash rates, Utah Department of Transportation


