Low-head dams are known to be dangerous due to a recirculating current that, when formed, drowns recreationalists who become trapped in the current. Efforts to mitigate the hazard of low-head dams have led to the compilation of a database of low-head dams with proven fatalities. Additionally, flume-based experiments along with well-known hydraulic equations have been used to create a spreadsheet-based system for predicting the occurrence of the dangerous recirculating current, otherwise known as a submerged hydraulic jump. The premise of the spreadsheet is that if the normal depth calculated with the Mannings Equation for the downstream reach is between the conjugate depth and the flip depth associated with the hydraulic jump at the low-head dam, a submerged hydraulic jump will occur. This hypothesis was tested using 58 fatal incidents at 29 low-head dams across the United States. The algorithm output was also compared to conditions observed during 13 site visits to 6 non-fatal low-head dams in Utah. The predictions achieved 75% accuracy in predicting submerged hydraulic jumps using publicly available data and data collected using site visits. Flow-duration curves were then developed to determine the frequency of submerged hydraulic jumps at correctly predicted dams where fatalities occurred. These dangerous dams were calculated to have submerged hydraulic jumps for an average of 343 days per year. Modeled discharge using the GEO Global Water Sustainability Initiative and the National Water Model was compared with USGS gaged data and produced similar results for the correctly predicted dangerous dams. Due to sparse data, it is recommended to calibrate the spreadsheet approach using detailed data at a random sample of dams or by creating a new system for predicting dangerous low-head dams using a one dimensional or multidimensional hydraulic computer model.
College and Department
Ira A. Fulton College of Engineering; Civil and Environmental Engineering
BYU ScholarsArchive Citation
McCurry, Caleb, "Development of a Submerged Hydraulic Jump Prediction Method Using Documented Fatal Incidents at Low-head Dams" (2023). Theses and Dissertations. 10615.
Date Submitted
Document Type
low-head dam, submerged hydraulic jump