Journal of Microfinance / ESR Review | Journals | Brigham Young University

Journal of Microfinance / ESR Review

The Journal of Microfinance, which has transitioned to the ESR Review, is an exciting forum for practitioners and researchers interested in microfinance and other topics relating to economic development principles. The Journal's purpose is to help shape and advance the field by presenting articles on innovative approaches, lessons learned, empirical studies, and essays that represent the broad spectrum of views the field of economic self-reliance in the United States and abroad.

Fall 2008 Volume 10 Number 2 is the most current issue. The Economic Self-Reliance Center at Brigham Young University will no longer be publishing issues of the ESR Review.

Current Issue: Volume 10, Issue 2 (2008)


Front Matter
ESR Review


Bottom Billion
Ben Lewis


End Matter
ESR Review