BYU Studies Quarterly

Front Matter
Two Challenges Facing Brigham Young University as a Religiously Affiliated University
Kevin J. Worthen
Mormons and Midrash: On the Composition of Expansive Interpretation in Genesis Rabbah and the Book of Moses
Avram R. Shannon
The Inception of Brigham Young University's Archival Program, 1956-1962
J. Gordon Daines III
The Christus in Context: A Photo Essay
John W. Welch
Minerva Teichert's The Seduction of Corianton
Herman du Toit
Full Issue
Feast of Epiphany
John Alba Cutler
Saying Goodbye
Josh Weed
Between Materialism and the Metaphysics of Eternity: A Reply to Joseph M. Spencer's Review of Responsibility of Reason
Ralph C. Hancock
Book Reviews
Art Exhibition Review: From My Brother's Perspective: Two Artists Painting Gospel Themes
Herman du Toit
Mormon Women in Memoir
Angela Hallstrom, Jacqueline S. Thursby, Rosalyn Collings Eves, Amy A. Easton-Flake, and Amy Isaksen Cartwright
Roads in the Wilderness: Conflict in Canyon Country
Brian Q. Cannon
Speculative Grace: Bruno Latour and Object-Oriented Theology
Brent J. Schmidt
Elijah Abel: The Life and Times of a Black Priesthood Holder
Matthew J. Harris