BYU Studies Quarterly

Mormon studies, Minerva Teichert, LDS art
A previously unknown oil sketch by Minerva Teichert (1888–1976), the pioneering LDS woman artist, was recently acquired by an art collector when it came up for sale in Salt Lake City. This small painting depicts the temptation of Corianton, who was the son of Alma the Younger in the Book of Mormon; it captures the moment spoken of in Alma’s words to his wayward son: “Thou didst do that which was grievous unto me; for thou didst forsake the ministry, and did go over into the land of Siron among the borders of the Lamanites, after the harlot Isabel. Yea, she did steal away the hearts of many; but this was no excuse for thee, my son” (Alma 39:3–4).
Recommended Citation
du Toit, Herman
"Minerva Teichert's The Seduction of Corianton,"
BYU Studies Quarterly: Vol. 54:
2, Article 9.
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