BYU Studies Quarterly
Note from the Editor
BYU Studies
A Latter-day Saint Colloquium on the Gospel of Judas: Media and Message
Richard Neitzel Holzapfel
The Manuscript of the Gospel of Judas
S. Kent Brown
The "Unhistorical" Gospel of Judas
Thomas A. Wayment
The Gnostic Context of the Gospel of Judas
Gaye Strathearn
Judas in the New Testament, the Restoration, and the Gospel of Judas
Frank F. Judd-Jr.
The Apocryphal Judas Revisited
John W. Welch
Two Ancient Roman Plates
John W. Welch and Kelsey D. Lambert
A Metallurgical Provenance Study of the Marcus Herennius Military Diploma
Michael J. Dorais and Garret L. Hart
"Will the Murderers Be Hung?": Albert Brown's 1844 Letter and the Martyrdom of Joseph Smith
Timothy Merrill
An Original Daguerreotype of Oliver Cowdery Identified
Patrick A. Bishop
"This Is My Testimony, Spoken by Myself into a Talking Machine": Wilford Woodruff's 1897 Statement in Stereo
Richard Neitzel Holzapfel and Steven C. Harper
Jesus Christ as Elder Brother
Corbin Volluz
Full Issue
Full Issue
BYU Studies
Book Notices
Jedediah S. Rogers, Jeffrey Needle, and Robert L. Maxwell
Book Reviews
Judas: Images of the Lost Disciple. by Kim Paffenroth
Kelsey D. Lambert
All Abraham's Children: Changing Mormon Conceptions of Race and Lineage. by Armand L. Mauss
Cardell K. Jacobson
Soul Searching: The Religious and Spiritual Lives of American Teenagers. by Christian Smith, with Melinda Lundquist Denton
Bruce A. Chadwick and Richard J. McClendon
Temple Theology: An Introduction. by Margaret Barker
Dean W. Collinwood and James W. McConkie