BYU Studies Quarterly

Mormon studies, Wilford Woodruff, stereo recording, testimony
In March 1844, just weeks before his martyrdom, Joseph Smith “called the Twelve Apostles together and he delivered unto them the ordinances of the Church and kingdom of God.” Wilford Woodruff noted the events of the day in a terse journal entry. March “26th A rainey day. I met in council with the brethren.” Perhaps the sacredness and magnitude of the meeting called for the brief, cryptic note. Or perhaps it would take hindsight for Wilford to recognize the momentousness of the day’s events. In either case, fifty-three years later at age ninety, President Woodruff recorded his spoken testimony of the historic meeting.
Recommended Citation
Holzapfel, Richard Neitzel and Harper, Steven C.
""This Is My Testimony, Spoken by Myself into a Talking Machine": Wilford Woodruff's 1897 Statement in Stereo,"
BYU Studies Quarterly: Vol. 45:
2, Article 12.
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