Of All Things!
Data Set Description Summary
Hugh Nibley. Say the name. What do you think of? Intellect? Scholarship? Ancient religions? Temple worship? The study of civilizations? Surely, but there's more. Brother Nibley has a keen sense of humor. And he turns a pithy phrase as no one else can. Here in one volume are many of the most entertaining and also the deepest of Brother Nibley's thoughts on society, science, education, Joseph Smith, the Book of Mormon and other sacred writings, the temple, sustaining church leaders, and many other topics. These are not the jottings of some stuffy scholar. These are gems of thought — terse, humorous, wry, and profound — clothed in a language that is so distinctly Hugh Nibley. What emerges from the quotations is the portrait of a rare philosopher - a thinker with the mind of a scholar and the heart of a believer.
BYU ScholarsArchive Citation
Gillum, Gary P., "Of All Things!" (2014). WordCruncher. 54.
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