"Commentary on the Book of Mormon: Volumes 1-7" by George Reynolds and Janne M. Sjodahl


Commentary on the Book of Mormon: Volumes 1-7


LDS, Book of Mormon

Data Set Description Summary

To add to the knowledge concerning the Book of Mormon that has accumulated since it was first introduced and declared to be, like the Bible, the inspired and revealed “Word of God,” the authors of these volumes, after unending study, herewith present their findings.

The thoughts expressed in this Commentary are given only as “an introduction to the study of the Book of Mormon” and are intended merely as a guide to its perusal. As the reader progresses in the consideration of this divine and glorious revelation, new vistas and fresh horizons are sure to enter their scope and soon they will find themselves worshiping with a strange but delightsome people who testify of their Israelitic ancestry, of the Law of Moses, of Isaiah, and of the Messiah, Jesus Christ, who brought and placed before them his Gospel as he previously had to the Jews.

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