"Book of Mormon With Voices Identified" by John Hilton III and Shon D. Hopkin


Book of Mormon With Voices Identified


book of mormon, voices

Data Set Description Summary

This data set contains 2 versions of the Book of Mormon:

  1. The Book of Mormon with Voices Identified-contains the entire text of the Book of Mormon with the voice listed before each portion of text.
  2. Voices Alphabetically Ordered-lists each voice alphabetically in the Book of Mormon with the text that applies to that voice directly below the voice listing.

Both data sets allow you to search the Book of Mormon by speaker. For example, you could search for words or phrases only used by Alma the Younger, The Lord, or Captain Moroni. To use this feature, you can use the reference bounds feature in the search window.

This data set is available for free within the bookstore of the WordCruncher software. Please install WordCruncher first. Once installed, you can open the bookstore to this data set by clicking here.

Document Type


Publication Date


Permanent URL

wordcruncher.com/download-book?book=Book of Mormon With Voices Identified&etbu=wcBookOfMormonVoices



Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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