Volume 70, Number 1 (2010)
Front Matter
Mycorrhization of ponderosa pine in a second-growth Sierra Nevada forest
R. F. Walker, W. Cheng, and D. W. Johnson
Pediomelum Rydberg (Leguminosae) in Arizona and two previously undescribed species
Stanley L. Welsh and Max Licher
Large-scale effects on bird assemblages in desert grasslands
Giselle Block and Michael L. Morrison
Distribution and dynamics of waterbird habitat during spring in southern Oregon–northeastern California
Joseph P. Fleskes and Christopher J. Gregory
Phylogenetic divergence in a desert fish: differentiation of speckled dace within the Bonneville, Lahontan, and upper Snake River basins
Eric J. Billman, Jared B. Lee, D. Owen Young, Matthew D. McKell, R. Paul Evans, and Dennis K. Shiozawa
Denning chronology of black bears in eastern Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado
Roger A. Baldwin and Louis C. Bender
Seed dispersal, seed entrapment, and seedling recruitment in a temporally variable desert playa
Amanda N. Breen and James H. Richards
Seasonal patterns of arthropod diversity and abundance on big sagebrush, Artemisia tridentata
Monte P. Sanford and Nancy J. Huntly
Biotic and abiotic factors related to redband trout occurrence and abundance in desert and montane streams
Kevin A. Meyer, James A. Lamansky Jr., and Daniel J. Schill
Diet and habitat of northern flying squirrels (Glaucomys sabrinus) in the Black Hills of South Dakota
Audrey Gabel, Callie Ackerman, Mark Gabel, Elizabeth Krueger, Scott Weins, and Linda Zierer
Least Bell's Vireo breeding records in the Central Valley following decades of extirpation
Christine A. Howell, Julian K. Wood, Mark D. Dettling, Kenneth Griggs, Codie C. Otte, Linette Lina, and Thomas Gardali
Effects of melezitose and stachyose on adult longevity and virus persistence in Culicoides sonorensis (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae)
Will K. Reeves and Guinevere Z. Jones
Predation of adult razorback sucker and bonytail by striped bass in Lake Mohave, Arizona–Nevada
Abraham P. Karam and Paul C. Marsh
Plovers breeding in the highlands of Jalisco, Aguascalientes, Zacatecas, and San Luis Potosí, central México
Jaime Luévano, Eric Mellink, and Mónica Riojas-López
Hispid pocket mouse (Chaetodipus hispidus) in east-central and northeastern Nebraska
Keith Geluso and Greg D. Wright
Book Reviews
The Natural History of the U.C. Santa Cruz Campus by Tonya M. Haff, Martha T. Brown, and W. Breck Tyler
R. Edward Grumbine
California's Fading Wildflowers: Lost Legacy and Biological Invasions by Richard A. Minnich
Howard O. Clark Jr.
The California Deserts: An Ecologic Rediscovery by Bruce M. Pavlik
Howard O. Clark Jr.
End Matter