

New geographic, reproductive, and seasonal records are presented for 11 of 13 bats inhabiting Nebraska. New geographic records are presented for 10 species, most notably Myotis lucifugus (120 miles west of nearest known record), M. septentrionalis (42 miles west of nearest record), Nycticeius humeralis (72 miles west of nearest record), and Pipistrellus subflavus (258 miles northwest of nearest record). New reproductive localities are recorded for 9 species, particularly the 1st records of breeding by Pipistrellus subflavus in Nebraska (Cherry and Dixon Counties) and the 2nd record of breeding by Lasionycteris noctivagans in Nebraska (Lancaster County). New records of timing of lactation and appearance of flying-young are reported for 7 species, and new records of seasonal activity are reported for 3 species. Lastly, captures of adult males of Lasiurus borealis and L. cinereus in summer are reported from sites across the state; summer populations of these species previously were thought to consist entirely or primarily of adult females and young in some regions. Records presented here are the result of geographic range expansion of several species and of fieldwork conducted in previously unsampled areas.
