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Ilhan, his wife Nura, and their children resided near Kabul, in a region where both the Taliban and ISIS were active. As Shias, Ilhan’sfamily faced numerous menaces, including threatsfrom ISIS that they would be beheaded if they did not display ISIS flags. Ilhan’s sisterRadwa, who is deaf and mute, was forced to marry a regional leader. In addition to being threatened on religious grounds, Ilhan’s family was also threatened by anelder of their town. Out of desperation,Ilhan’s family sold their house appliances, escaped Afghanistan, and arrived at the Oinofyta refugee campin Greece. Ilhan’s familyfledwith Radwa, as well aswithIlhan’s nephew Ziagull who, like Radwa, is mute and deaf. Ilhansays that if his family returns to his hometown,“they will definitely behead us this time round.” Ilhanhas been tortured three times. He feels stuck and wonders how he can help his family. Ilhanwants to live in a peaceful country, where his family is free and is not threatened because they are Shia.
Shia, Religious Conflict, ISIS, Taliban, Afghanistan, Forced Marriage, Family, Oinofyta, Refugee, Greece, Mute, Deaf, Disability, Flee, Threat, Warning, Refugee Camp, Torture, Muslim, Child Refugee, Displaced Family, Freedom, Family separation