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Salman and his family are from Afghanistan, where he worked as a doctor. He worked for fifteen years for a mining institute, and before that he worked in various hospitals with Americans and Germans for another combined 15 years. The family ran into problems with the Taliban, who threatened violence if he didn’t close his drugstore. During that same time, his son witnessed a suicide bombing at his school. Their daughter was forced to abandon her education when the Taliban poisoned the water at her school. They fled in attempts to live a normal life again and escape the threats on their lives.
They now reside in Oinofyta refugee camp and describe their difficult living conditions. Salman has a variety of health issues that were caused by the stress of their flight. Their greatest desires are to be able to study and resume living their lives they had, far from violence or panic.
Afghanistan, Greece, Oinofyta, Taliban, terrorism, terrorists, violence, bombing, suicide bombing, poison, threats, attacks, professional, doctor, medicine, education, educator, families, health complications, fear, panic, poor living conditions, quality of life