Front Matter
Time Spiral
Finn Bille
Finding Sanctuary: How Danish American Churches Helped Immigrants Navigate Life in Uncharted Waters
Krister Strandskov and Russell Lackey
A Biographical Sketch of S. D. Rodholm
Renee Showalter-Hanson
Recollections of S. D. Rodholm
Peter D. Thomsen
A Little About My Father, Peter D. Thomsen
Kathy Thomsen
Bunch, Mads. Isak Dinesen Reading Søren Kierkegaard: On Christianity, Seduction, Gender, and Repetition.
Troy Wellington Smith
Jennifer Eastman Att ebery. Pole Raising and Speech Making: Modalities of Swedish American Summer Celebration.
Christopher Oscarson
Katalin Nun. Women of the Danish Golden Age: Literature, Theater, and the Emancipation of Women.
Nate Kramer