Technology Engineering Education Emphasis Theses | Technology | Brigham Young University


Theses from 2016


An Investigation of the Impact A ROV Competition Curriculum has on Student Interest in sTEm, Specifically Technology and Engineering, Daniel Gordon Bates


A Comparison of Instructional Strategies for Teaching Entry-Level Welding at the High School Level, Jared Paul Massic


Comparison of Simulation and Hands-On Labs in Helping High School Students Learn Physics Concepts, Matthew Charles Rytting

Theses from 2015


An Investigation of the Impact of a Flipped Classroom Instructional Approach on High School Students' Content Knowledge and Attitudes Toward the Learning Environment, Matthew R. Bell

Theses from 2014


The Word Problem Factor: Assessing the Ability of Utah High School Career and Technical Education Students to Do the Math Involved in Formulating and Calculating Energy Cost Factors, Kristen Bentley

Theses from 2013


Teaching Algebra through Functional Programming:An Analysis of the Bootstrap Curriculum, Robert Lee


An Investigation of the ASIT Problem-Solving Method on Middle School Technology Education Student's Ability to Produce Creative Solutions, Jared Aaron Merrill

Theses from 2012


The Effect of the Engineering Design Process on the Critical Thinking Skills of High School Students, Heather Ure


Development and Initial Validation of an Innovation Assessment, Jacob D. Wheadon


An Analysis of the Best Practices of Cooperative Education in the US with the Purpose of Addressing Various Armenian Engineering Education Problems, Sona White

Theses from 2011


A Study Analyzing Five Instructional Methods for Teaching Software to Junior High Students, Scott Ronald Bartholomew


Creativity and Innovation: A Comparative Analysis of Assessment Measures for the Domains of Technology, Engineering, and Business, Tyler Lewis

Theses from 2009


An Investigation of Middle School Student Interest, Perception, and Attitude Toward Technology and Engineering, Kari Marie Cook


An Investigation of Utah Technology Education Teachers' Acceptance of an Emphasis on Engineering Education Content, Douglas Ron Livingston


Teacher Perceptions of the Benefits of Teacher Collaboration and An Analysis of Indicators of Potential Teacher Attrition, Thomas Owen Moore

Theses from 2008


Comparison of Guided and Open Inquiry Instruction in a High School Physics Classroom, Brett M. Guisti


An Investigation of Placement and Teacher Retention of Brigham Young University Technology Teacher Education Bachelor of Science Graduates from 1993-2007, Michael L. Taylor

Theses from 2007


Fostering Creativity Through a Nonlinear Approach to Teaching Technology at Wood River Middle School, Warren Edgar Hull

Theses from 2006


Understanding Brigham Young University's Technology Teacher Education Program's Sucess in Attracting and Retaining Female Students, Katrina M. Cox


Correlating Factors Between Student Participation and Student Learning Via a Service Learning Project in Secondary Education: A Case Study, Shawn V. Jensen

Theses from 2005


Industrial Technology Education Teachers Perceptions of National Standards for Technological Literacy in the State of Arizona, Allan R. McRae

Theses from 2004


Hiring Practices for Graphic Designers In Utah County, Utah, Landon T. Densley

Theses from 1990


Introductory DataPerfect® Instruction, Frances Jenson Larsen

Theses from 1986


Reasons American Indian Students Do Not Typically Choose Industrial Education as a Major at BYU, Sam Canyon

Theses from 1983


Early Mormon Woodworking at its Best: A Study of the Craftsmanship in the First Temples of Utah, Thomas Weston Welch