"Media and the Formation of Scottish Parliament" by Emily Ashcraft

Author Date


Degree Name





Fine Arts and Communications

Defense Date


Publication Date


First Faculty Advisor

Joel Campbell

First Faculty Reader

Richard Davis

Honors Coordinator

Clark Callahan


Scottish Parliament, media, newspaper, media bias, referendum, Holyrood


The thesis explored how media interacts with politics, specifically the Scottish Parliament, by considering the representation of the Scottish Parliament in newspapers from the time the Scots voted for a parliament (1997) through the years following the beginning of the Scottish Parliament (1999-2003). It compared various newspapers from Scotland and the United Kingdom during this time and examined their reporting on the parliament. It also evaluated specific differences between the UK and Scottish Parliaments, where they originated and how newspapers and other media were involved in the conversation. This research found that press representation and media framing is important in the formation of government, the Scottish press discussed what the new Parliament could look like and facilitated discussion about the future of the Parliament. It also analyzed the presence of bias in political reporting, which was found to be common in newspapers in the UK. The bias presented in the vote for a Scottish Parliament could be considered justified because it was expected and represented the wider political opinion, but should be used with caution to ensure there is still a correct report of the news. This study is expected to contribute to further research on media representation of politics, specifically with new governments or future political events in Scotland.



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