Degree Name



Political Science


Family, Home, and Social Sciences

Defense Date


Publication Date


First Faculty Advisor

Sven Wilson

First Faculty Reader

Ryan Davis

Honors Coordinator

Darin Self


Gun reform, gender, women, assault weapons ban, red flag laws, race


This thesis examines women’s perceptions of gun reform policies and how they can be used as a measure to predict how women could potentially view specific gun reform policies like red flag laws. Specific policies like the assault weapons ban and red flag laws are becoming increasingly common, practical measures to reduce gun violence, but little academic research has been done on them. Using data from the 2022 Congressional Election Survey conducted by the University of Texas at Austin University, I use several linear regressions to ascertain how one’s gender affects feelings or support for gun reform generally and for the assault weapons ban. I find that gender does play a significant role when determining respondents' views of gun reform. These gender differences become more complex when gender and race are taken into account.
