Degree Name



Manufacturing Engineering


Ira A. Fulton College of Engineering

Defense Date


Publication Date


First Faculty Advisor

Dr. Britt Berrett

First Faculty Reader

John Lee

Honors Coordinator

Dr. Michael Miles


Six Sigma, Health, Honors Thesis


Lean Six Sigma is a methodology originally designed for a manufacturing context but has process improvement applications that can be used in many fields including medical and business. These tools were applied to addressing issues at a local health center with the aim to help patients receive better medical treatment and have a more positive overall experience. Initial baseline data was collected to identify the core problems patients were experiencing with the health center. Adjustments were made in the survey process to capture more accurate results about the patient experience, which led to the creation of a patient-focused action plan of improvement that relied on a Six Sigma DMAIC framework. Process flow charts were created and data collected to monitor the system before kaizen events were initiated. An implementation plan for suggested improvements based on initial findings is proposed in this report for the health center to carry out if desired at a future time under the direction of the executive leadership team.
