Degree Name
Family, Home, and Social Sciences
Defense Date
Publication Date
First Faculty Advisor
Dr. Blake Jones
First Faculty Reader
Professor Dawn-Marie Wood
Honors Coordinator
Dr. Bruce Brown
emotional connection, marital satisfaction, conflict resolution, conflict styles, strategies for a successful marriage, literature review of research by John Gottman and Sue Johnson
This thesis explores research-based factors that contribute to a healthy relationship and the benefits of creating and enhancing emotional connection in marriage, primarily from John Gottman and Sue Johnson. One outcome of improved emotional connection between spouses is that when conflict occurs – and it will – the couple will be better equipped to behave in mature, respectful, and effective ways. A healthy marriage looks different for individual couples yet all have defining characteristics that turn spouses towards one another and build their marital friendship. Examples include the following: avoiding the four horsemen of the apocalypse (criticism, contempt, defensiveness, and stonewalling), maintaining the 5:1 magic ratio, making intentional and undistracted time for each other, listening to understand and not to fix, forgiving, and recognizing that most things are not personal. As spouses practice strategies to create and enhance emotional connection they will be more likely to have greater marital satisfaction.
BYU ScholarsArchive Citation
Williams, Brooke W., "Turn Towards Each Other: Emotional Connection as a Catalyst for Marital Satisfaction, Especially During Times of Conflict" (2023). Undergraduate Honors Theses. 301.